10 Years

Thursday, April 02, 2015

 Recently, I've been watching a lot of YouTube, as you may have read on my previous post! And the newest trend is '10 Years'. It's basically you talking about what you want to happen in the next 10 years, and I thought it would make for a good thing to post.

If you don't know me, then you won't know that I'm not very good at making decisions! For example, I couldn't tell you what we should listen to, what food to get, what movie is my favourite. I have so many answers and I can not ever make a proper decision, which seems to annoy quite a few of my friends 😂. This makes even thinking about the next ten years, a heavy task. There is so much I want to do before I reach 27, that it's hard to comprehend what will happen.

I know one thing for certain, I definitely want to be happy. Sure life will give you ups and downs, it's not easy, but I want to in general be happy with where I am, who is in my life and where I am headed. I've always planned on having children. I adore children, although after having Bear from 3 weeks, it has put me off having children for a little while :-P (Btw, my mum is thrilled about this! She doesn't want to be a Nanny yet!!) Recently, I was talking about all this with my friend, and we were discussing how many children, and with that I have no idea, more than 1 is definite, but it all depends on what lays ahead. Just pause from reading this, and properly think, how many children do you see yourself having? How many can you see yourself out with, playing and supporting? It's hard. I'm only 16, nearly 17, for goodness sake! But children is a must really! 

Another thing, is that I see myself with some birds. I've been brought up around them that it'd be weird not having them! Well, pets in general. I cannot see myself without a dog or a bird. Is that weird? Guess, I'd better be with an animal lover ;-). I guess, you don't really know what it's like unless you've grown up with a dog, but it's awesome and I want my kids to be able to experience that. I have it all mapped out, I would like to have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and possibly another dog, with at least a Barn Owl. I love Nova's, they are a gorgeous breed and are the perfect size. Also in love with Barn Owls, they are gorgeous and very loving.

I am also very unsure with what occupation I see myself in! There are so many options that I just cannot choose! I don't believe that at the age of 16, we are able to actually choose what we want in the future. I have very eccentric ideas from all the programmes I've been watching :-/. My new occupation idea is to be either a Orthopeadic Surgeon or Pediatric. Thanks Callie and Arizona ;-)!I also very much wanted to be a anthropologist because of Temperance Brennan! Oh and also do Angela's job! I love how much technology she has, the only problem is that I cannot draw to save my life! I just cannot choose!!

I also have a bucket list! I want to be able to experience life before I end up settling down. I really wanna do a hot air balloon ride, parachute jump, travel as much of the world as I can, and just be able to live life to the fullest!

Is there anything you plan on doing in the next ten years? It may seem so far away, but it will come by in a flash, and I am terrified!! Tell me what you plan on doing in the next ten years down below!!

Hope you enjoyed this chatty blog post!! Until next time,

Signing off!


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