Monday, February 08, 2016

I am a very systematic person. I like to make lists, and set goals. I'm not someone who will set daily goals, I've found it much more useful setting monthly goals. Here are my February Goals: 

1. Choose healthier options

I'm a fan of chocolate. I mean, who isn't? It also happens to be pancake day tomorrow, and I know it's not going to go well!

2. Spend more time with the birds

I try to spend as much time with the birds as I can. Whether that's flying them, holding them or taking them out. I want to try and dedicate certain times of the day, solely to them. I just hope the weather gets better! It's awful, and I can't fly them with the wind! 

3. Practise more of the things I enjoy!

One of my life goals, was to be able to ride the unicycle. Unfortunately, after having one for a month, it was put in the garage and hasn't been out since! I am determined that I will learn how to ride it! I also want to spend some more time playing my ukulele! It's undoubtedly so out of tune, but I love playing it! 

4. Drink more water

I've been getting more headaches lately, and I'm pretty sure it's due to not drinking enough. My goal for each day is to drink at least 2L! I may have to set reminders!

5. Take more pictures

I'm a very sentimental person. I like to have pictures to keep memories. Taking pictures is something I love to do, I love being able to get that perfect shot that you are so proud of! I get to do it when we take pictures of the birds, but because of the weather I haven't been able to take as many as I would like to. 


How often do you set yourself goals? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Never? 



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